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Austin City Council Highlights

Letter to Councilman Qadri and Caleb:
By Karsen Crow
Posted: 2023-12-04T19:27:06Z

Letter to Councilman Qadri;

Dear Councilman Qadri and Caleb:

Thank you for meeting with Karen Nicholson and me last week about your priorities and the League of Women Voters. We appreciate your time. 

While your plate is more than full, I understood that Transit, Housing and Public Safety top your priorities.

Specifics include:

  • mitigating the environmental impacts and business/resident   displacement from  TxDot’s proposed I-35 expansion, 
  • addressing District 9’s high housing demand and low affordable supply and the impacts of Austin’s housing crisis,
  • solving APD’s significant staffing shortage and while ready to go back to the bargaining table, to remember that law enforcement are guardians, not warriors. onboarding a new police chief could take another year. 
  • ensuring workers’ rights are considered in bringing staff back to the office.

You all would appreciate the League’s continued involvement in protecting the vote, securing ballot access, and safety and security at the polls.

I saw that Council approved removing a minimum parking requirement for new housing development - and that your staff was significantly involved in reaching that goal. Congratulations. 

If I have misrepresented any of your positions above, would you let me know before I publish them to the larger Austin LWV membership.

Thank you.

Cynthia Griffin

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