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LWV Austin Area
3908 Avenue B,
Austin, TX 78751

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Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.
Date: 1/1/2025
Subject: January VOTER - LWV Austin Area Newsletter
From: LWV Austin Area

January 2025

Happy New Year from LWVAA!

It's a new year -- resolve to support the League! Look in this newsletter for:
Read on to learn more!

President's Message

Happy New Year from the League!

I hope you had a wonderful holiday season. As we turn the page to a new year, I want to wish you all the best -- good health, happiness, and renewed energy. The turning of the calendar brings fresh opportunities for connection and action, and I’m excited for what lies ahead for our League and the Austin community.

After a whirlwind year of elections, we’re shifting gears and focusing on building something just as important: community. This year is all about connection -- deepening our relationships within the League and strengthening ties with the incredible people and organizations around us. Austin is a special place, and together, we can make it even better.

We’ve got some amazing opportunities lined up to get us started. Our New Year Brunch on January 11 is the perfect way to kick things off -- come enjoy good food and great company. For those of you eager to dive into advocacy, don’t miss "Texas Lege 101: How a Bill Becomes Law -- and How You Can Make a Difference" on January 18, and consider volunteering for Capitol Corps -- both opportunities to learn how to make your voice heard at the state level. We’re also gearing up for our annual fundraiser, which helps us do the work we love, and our Friends and Family Festival, a chance to celebrate the community we’re building together.

We need you to make it all happen! Your time, energy, and ideas are what make this League so special. These events aren’t just about checking boxes -- they’re about creating real connections and finding like-minded people who care about the same things you do. And if you’re ready to take your involvement to the next level, consider joining one of the committees that help plan and execute these events. It’s a great way to make an impact, meet amazing people, and bring your talents to the table. 

Wishing you a year full of connection, growth, and purpose. Let’s make it a great one, together!
Jessica Foreman, LWVAA President

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Holiday Party 2025 Banner

New year, New Challenges - Same Mission!

Join LWVAA as we welcome the new year, honor our newest members, and celebrate all members! Reconnect with old friends, make new ones, play a game to learn more about each other, and discover ways to get involved with LWVAA in the upcoming year, all while enjoying a delicious brunch buffet!

When?  Saturday, January 11, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Where?  Alamo Baker Center Cafetorium, 3908 Avenue B, Austin, 78751

There are three ways to RSVP:

We look forward to seeing you there!

ContactJoyce Jackson, Membership Chair

Voters Service

Get Ready to Register Voters in 2025 & 2026

Volunteer Deputy Registrar certificates run on two-year cycles, starting on the first day of the odd year and ending on the last day of the even year. All VDR certificates expired on December 31, 2024, regardless of when you got certified!

The good news is that Travis County offers many convenient ways to get certified. There is a self-guided video and test that you can take on your own, there are several in-person training sessions scheduled for January, and there are many virtual training sessions scheduled throughout the year. 

Visit Travis County's VDR training website to find the dates and to sign up.

Once you get your Travis County certificate, you can request reciprocity by emailing Williamson County VDR and Hays County VDR.

2025 voter registration opportunities will be posted on the LWV Calendar. You can also sign up for the LWV VDR Mailing List  to receive highlights and last minute opportunities.

ContactClaudia Torres-Yanez, Director of Voter Registration & Turnout

First Vote!

Each year, more than 15,000 people turn 18 in Travis County -- and many of them will turn 18 during their senior year in high school. In the fall of 2024 we presented to over 4,000 students and registered 450 of them. As many more students will turn 18 in the spring, we anticipate visiting many schools again.

We are currently updating the First Vote! presentation with new visuals and turnout data from the 2024 election. We received a small grant to purchase Chromebooks for our presentations. We will host in-person workshops to perfect interactive portions of the presentation, to learn how to present data graphs, and to serve as opportunities to get involved in behind-the-scenes activities. 

Sign up for the First Vote! Mailing List to receive notifications about volunteer opportunities and workshop/training schedules.

ContactSusana Carranza, First Vote! Chair
ContactValerie DeBill, VP Voters Service 

Picture This
Youth Art & Writing Contest

2024 Picture This Art and Writing Contest
2025 Picture This Theme: What Makes a Strong Community?

We are now taking submissions for our 2025 Picture This youth art and writing contest. This year's theme is "What Makes a Strong Community?". Austin area students in elementary school (grades 1- 5), middle school (grades 6-8), and high school (grades 9-12) may submit entries. A $150 Amazon gift card will be awarded to winners within each age group (with up to six total awards), and winners will be recognized at our 2025 Friends & Family Spring Festival.

Help us spread the word! Please invite -- and encourage! -- anyone you know who may like to participate.

Contact: Kate Abel, VP Organization
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Advocacy & Education

Texas Lege 101

TX Lege 101: How a Bill Becomes Law -- and How You Can Make a Difference

The 89th Texas Legislature's regular session begins on January 14. Get ready for the session by joining the LWVAA Area for "TX Lege 101: How a Bill Becomes Law -- and How You Can Make a Difference."  

Stephanie Chiarello, Chief of Staff for Rep. R.D. “Bobby” Guerra (HD-41), will talk to us about how the Texas Legislature works and about how anyone can advocate for the things they care about.

When?   Saturday, January 18, 2025, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
Where?   John Gillum Branch Library, 2505 Steck Avenue, Austin, 78757
If you've ever wanted to know more about what goes on in the big pink granite building at the top of Congress Avenue, this is the event for you! Register today!

This is a community event open to the public -- you don't have to be a League member to attend. Tell a friend -- better yet, bring a friend! We can't wait to see you there! 

Contact: Joanne Richards, VP Advocacy & Education

Communications & Technology
The League of Women Voters supports credible and ethical local journalism, in whatever format it is published, as essential to our democracy.

Don't Hide From the News!
The news lets us know what is happening in the world, helps folks prepare for changes, and helps hold people in power accountable for their actions. Choose ethical, objective, unbiased news sources -- and mix things up a little to get a variety of perspectives. With the Texas legislature starting soon, join me in reading the The Texas Tribune.
Influencing Your Government in Off Election Years

The LWVAA Communications team shares useful local government news, resources, and opportunities, and explains how government actions impact our community and how you can help influence policy. LWVAA also shares national, state and local action alerts on important issues.
Tools to Influence Your Local Government
Follow LWV Austin Area on social media to keep up with news, actions and opportunities.
-- Grace

Contact: Grace Chimene, VP Communications & Technology

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Volunteer Opportunities:
With the League

2025 New Year Brunch

Members, here's your first volunteer opportunity of 2025: helping us welcome our newest members and celebrate all of our members by making our annual brunch a success! We need greeters, set-up people, food table folks, check-in, a photographer, a tech person for sound and video, and clean-up heroes.

Ready to volunteer?


LWVUS Federal Judiciary Study: Join the LWVAA Study Committee

At the LWVUS 2024 Convention, delegates voted to move forward with a study on the federal judiciary. The study will be completed on a fast-track timeline in time for a position to be announced at the LWVUS Council in June 2025. Susan Hart, former LWV Texas Board director, represents Texas on the national study committee.

The scope of the study is to develop a League position on the federal judiciary as an essential component of US democracy. The scope of the study includes but is not limited to: addressing concerns and clarifying judicial accountability, transparency, independence, and ethics. The study will encompass the Supreme Court as well as all other federal court levels. Watch the recording at to link below to learn about the scope and timeline.

Interested in supporting this study? Join the LWVAA study committee! LWVUS will provide local Leagues with resources, a timeline, and questions to consider. This is your opportunity to make a difference. Contact Joanne Richards at for more information.

Volunteer With Capitol Corps

The 89th Texas Legislature's session runs from January 14 until June 2, 2025. LWV Texas invites LWVAA members to join the Capitol Corps to help ensure that the League has a voice during the legislative session. This can mean registering the League's stance on a piece of legislation without testifying; hand-delivering written testimony to a legislative clerk; or reading that testimony into the legislative record. Capitol Corps members do not write testimony -- that is done by the LWV Texas Issue Chairs. Elisabeth MacNamara, the LWV Texas Advocacy Chair, prepared a short video describing what Capitol Corps volunteers do:

Introduction to Capitol Corps

Capitol Corps training begins this month. Interested in learning more? Contact Gina McCool at, Cynthia Griffin at, or Joanne Richards at

Legislative Interviews

We need volunteers to be part of 2- or 3-person teams to interview Austin-area State Senators and House members during January. The purpose of these interviews is to introduce the League to our elected representatives and to learn their views and interests on issues of importance to us. These are intended to be relaxed conversations and can be conducted in person or by Zoom. Your comments, judgments, and evaluations of their responses will supply us with valuable information for lobbying. We provide guidelines, tips, questions, and a summary sheet for capturing your comments. For more information, contact Cynthia Griffin at

Contact: Joanne Richards, VP Advocacy & Education

Contact: Cynthia Griffin , Advocacy Director

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Volunteer Opportunities:
In Our Community

Apply to Serve on a City of Austin Board or Commission

Take part in Austin's government by serving on a board or commission. These groups help shape and influence rules and laws by giving different viewpoints for the City Council to consider.

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Mark Your Calendar!

LWV Events
Community Events
  • Monday, January 13, 4:00 p.m. -- A Conversation With Glenn Hegar: Sponsored by the Texas Tribune. Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar will discuss the biennial revenue estimate, how Texas is entering its second straight legislative cycle with a budget surplus, and where the state should consider allocating its extra money. In person and online.
  • Wednesday, January 29, 11:00 a.m. -- A Conversation With Kirk Watson: Sponsored by the Texas Tribune. Austin Mayor Kirk Watson will discuss his plans to address local issues from housing affordability and homelessness to workforce development and the expansion of I-35, and how the city will interact with state leaders. In person and online.

Membership News

Have You Received a Membership Renewal Notice?

Then don't delay – renew today!

Many of you have seen membership renewal notices land in your inbox. We are grateful for your past support and hope that you will continue to support our work through your membership.

Your membership renewal is critically time-sensitive this year. Our membership system, including the renewal process, will change this year; you'll find more details in the article below. If your membership has expired or is up for renewal, we encourage you to renew before January 31 to avoid being caught up in the system change.

Renewing before the end of the month will also ensure that your dues will be eligible for a full tax deduction. Beginning in February, the portion of your dues that go to the national League will not be tax-exempt (the portions that go to LWVAA and to LWV Texas will remain tax-exempt).
To renew, just log in to your account at If you prefer, you can mail a check for your membership renewal to
LWV Austin Area
Attn: Membership
3908 Avenue B
Austin, TX  78751
If you have questions about your membership expiration date or have problems logging in to our website, please contact our Membership Director.
Contact: Joyce Jackson, Membership Director

Coming Soon: Changes to Our Membership System

On February 1, the League of Women Voters will change its method of collecting and sharing dues. LWVUS will launch a centralized online membership system for all 700+ state and local Leagues.

Instead of individual Leagues having to upload data to the national roster and track, collect, and share dues, this centralized system will support the collection and distribution of dues and the maintenance of basic membership data for every state and local League. The system will use customized online membership software, developed by a company called ChapterSpot, that will interface with the existing national roster already used by LWVUS.

If your membership has expired or will expire before February 28, 2025, we encourage you to renew before January 31 using our current system to avoid the possibility of any delays due to the system changeover. If you have any questions about your renewal date or about your renewal options, please contact the LWVAA Membership Director.

We will be providing more information about ChapterSpot as it becomes available.

Contact: Joyce Jackson, Membership Director


Visit the LWVAA Shop for Your Voter Registration Apparel!
Promote the League with t-shirt, mug, or tote bag! League stickers are great to hand out! All these things and more are available from the LWVAA store on Threadless.


Celebrate Travis County's Outstanding Election Website
In October 2024, the League of Women Voters of Texas conducted its eleventh review of Texas county election websites in preparation for the November 5, 2024 General Election. The League is so pleased that 61 election websites rated Outstanding and 65 websites rated Very Good. These numbers represent a material increase in high-quality websites even since the March Primary Election, meaning more Texas voters are getting the information they need from their counties!
The LWV Austin Area congratulates Travis County on their Outstanding award!


Read LWVUS Statements

Urgent Action Needed!

Urge President Biden to instruct the US Archivist to certify and publish the ERA in the Constitution! Equality cannot wait. Urge Congress to ensure that the ERA is published.

Keep up with LWV work through the LWVUS Newsroom.

LWVUS Blogs and press releases offer insight on League work and news.  


Welcome to Our Newest Members!

Emily Miller
Antonia Roesler


* Indicates a Sustaining Member

Thank You to Our Sustaining and Renewing Members!

When you join LWV Austin Area, you automatically become a member of the National and Texas Leagues.

Give to Support the League of Women Voters Austin Area!

The League shall not support or oppose any political party or candidates. It may take action on governmental measures and policies in the public interest after significant study and consensus is reached.

The League of Women Voters Austin Area is a 501(c)3 nonprofit and tax exempt organization.
Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowable under the law. Tax identification number: