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LWV Austin Area
3908 Avenue B,
Austin, TX 78751

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Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.
Date: 12/2/2024
Subject: CORRECTION: December VOTER - LWV Austin Area Newsletter
From: LWV Austin Area

December 2024 

Happy Holidays from LWVAA!

Newsletter reissued to add link to Picture This contest page.
Look in this newsletter for:
Read on to learn more!

Runoff Election

President's Message

Gratitude, Community, and Looking Ahead

As we gather after a busy election season and reflect on all that’s happened, I want to take a moment to acknowledge the incredible dedication our members brought to this effort. While we remain steadfastly nonpartisan, we recognize that this election was challenging for many in our community. Even so, your passion and hard work shone brightly. From publishing our highly praised Voters Guide to registering and assisting countless new voters, bringing the First Vote! program to high schools, hosting city council candidate forums, organizing ballot education events, and participating in election protection initiatives, you’ve made an undeniable impact. I’m deeply thankful for every ounce of time, energy, and commitment you contributed. Together, we ensured voters had the information and access they needed to participate fully in democracy.

As we move forward, let’s take time to thank others who contributed to this election season -- poll workers, community leaders, educators, and neighbors who helped in ways big and small. Gratitude strengthens connections, and this is a perfect moment to express our appreciation.

With the new year on the horizon, we turn our focus to building community. Elections may come and go, but civic engagement is a year-round effort. This is our opportunity to connect with friends, family, and neighbors, inspiring small acts of civic involvement that grow into meaningful change. Whether it’s discussing issues over coffee, volunteering at local events, or helping others register to vote, these everyday actions are the foundation of a thriving democracy. Be on the lookout for upcoming events where we can make community together.  

Thank you again for all that you do. Together, we are building something remarkable -- one step at a time. Let’s carry this momentum into the new year, growing stronger as a community and as champions of civic engagement.


Post-election messaging P.S. I want to share with you a message from LWVAA member Erni Davis Fields, whose positive energy always inspires me:

We realize that many of our members are dazed and bewildered by our recent elections. 

We wanted to acknowledge and validate these feelings. We hope the results invigorate us and inspire us to realize that democracy is worth fighting for. That we cannot relax our concerted efforts to stand through voting for our country. In every election there is a candidate who wins and loses. Providing access, resources, encouragement, and registration is what and who the League of Women Voters is! We stand for, support, and champion democracy. We also collectively support and champion each other. Let’s gather, share, and continue to empower and encourage each other. This is who We are!  

Jessica Foreman, LWVAA President

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Voters Service
The Voters Guide for the December 14 Runoff Election is Available!
Voters living in the Austin Independent School District, Austin City Council District 7, or in the city of Manor are encouraged to vote in this runoff election.

Vote early from Monday, December 2 through Tuesday, December 10!

English Spanish Simplified Chinese Vietnamese and

ContactValerie DeBill, VP Voters Service
ContactCarol EckelkampChairperson of Candidate Forums / Debate 2024

Picture This
Youth Art & Writing Contest

2025 Picture This Theme: What Makes a Strong Community?

We are now taking submissions for our 2025 Picture This youth art and writing contest. This year's theme is "What Makes a Strong Community?". Austin area students in elementary school (grades 1- 5), middle school (grades 6-8), and high school (grades 9-12) may submit entries. A $150 Amazon gift card will be awarded to winners within each age group (with up to six total awards), and winners will be recognized at our 2025 Friends & Family Spring Festival. Please invite (and encourage!) anyone you know who may like to participate. Click here for more details.

Contact: Kate Abel, VP Organization
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Communications & Technology
The League of Women Voters supports credible and ethical local journalism, in whatever format it is published, as essential to our democracy.

Action: Support Your Favorite Local News Outlets

The LWV'S mission is "Empowering voters. Defending democracy." The LWVAA Communications team shared voter education throughout the election season in support of that mission. We reached well over 170,000 voters on social media. Our efforts supported voters in Central Texas as they successfully cast their ballots. Send a note of support to your favorite local media outlets for sharing LWV voter resources, including The Austin ChronicleKOOP 91.7 FM - Austin's Community Radio, KUT Public Radio, KLRU - Austin PBS, KXAN, KVUE, The Austin Monitor, The Austin Common, The Austin American StatesmanUnivision 62, Telemundo Austin, Spectrum News Austin, Community Impact, and The Austin Bulldog.
Share your favorite local media with me!
Action: Provide Feedback to the Austin Police Department
Take a moment to provide feedback to your local government by responding to a short survey on the Austin Police Department 100 Day Plan.

Contact: Grace Chimene, VP Communications & Technology

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Giving Tuesday

Save the Date for Giving Tuesday

This year, we invite you to join us on December 3 for the worldwide giving movement called GivingTuesday. GivingTuesday is an annual global day of giving that takes place the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. This special day inspires people across more than 150 countries to engage, volunteer, or donate to the causes they care about most.

At the League of Women Voters Austin Area, we believe that giving back to the local community helps create a more equitable and prosperous environment for all. Our work relies on the generosity and passion of the people in our community who take action for good by donating and volunteering with us. Save the date for GivingTuesday to support Central Texas nonprofits like ours.

Contact: Lisa Chang, Development Director

Volunteer Opportunities:
Advocacy & Education

LWVUS Federal Judiciary Study: Join the LWVAA Study Committee

At the LWVUS 2024 Convention, delegates voted to move forward with a study on the federal judiciary. The study will be completed on a fast-track timeline in time for a position to be announced at the LWVUS Council in June 2025. Susan Hart, former LWV Texas Board director, represents Texas on the national study committee.

The scope of the study is to develop a League position on the federal judiciary as an essential component of US democracy. The scope of the study includes but is not limited to: addressing concerns and clarifying judicial accountability, transparency, independence, and ethics. The study will encompass the Supreme Court as well as all other federal court levels. Watch the recording at to link below to learn about the scope and timeline.

Interested in supporting this study? Join the LWVAA study committee! LWVUS will provide local Leagues with resources, a timeline, and questions to consider. This is your opportunity to make a difference. Contact Joanne Richards at for more information.

Volunteer With Capitol Corps

The 89th Texas Legislature's session runs from January 14 until June 2, 2025. LWV Texas invites LWVAA members to join the Capitol Corps to help ensure that the League has a voice during the legislative session. This can mean registering the League's stance on a piece of legislation without testifying; hand-delivering written testimony to a legislative clerk; or reading that testimony into the legislative record. Capitol Corps members do not write testimony -- that is done by the LWV Texas Issue Chairs. Elisabeth MacNamara, the LWV Texas Advocacy Chair, prepared a short video describing what Capitol Corps volunteers do:

Introduction to Capitol Corps

Capitol Corps training begins in January 2025. Interested in learning more? Contact Gina McCool at, Cynthia Griffin at, or Joanne Richards at

Legislative Interviews

We need volunteers to be part of 2- or 3-person teams to interview Austin area State Senators and House members during January 2025. The purpose of these interviews is to introduce the League to our elected representatives and to learn their views and interests on issues of importance to us. These are intended to be relaxed conversations and can be conducted in person or by Zoom. Your comments, judgments, and evaluations of their responses will supply us with valuable information for lobbying. We provide guidelines, tips, questions, and a summary sheet for capturing your comments. For more information, contact Cynthia Griffin at

Contact: Joanne Richards, VP Advocacy & Education

Contact: Cynthia Griffin , Advocacy Director

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Volunteer Opportunities:
In the Community

Apply to Serve on a City of Austin Board or Commission

Take part in Austin's government by serving on a board or commission. These groups help shape and influence rules and laws by giving different viewpoints for the City Council to consider.

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Save the Date!
Holiday Party 2025 Banner

New year, New Challenges - Same Mission!

Join LWVAA as we welcome the new year, honor our newest members, and celebrate all members! Reconnect with old friends, make new ones, play a game to learn more about each other, and discover ways to get involved with LWVAA in the upcoming year, all while enjoying a delicious brunch buffet!

When?  Saturday, January 11, 2025, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Where?  Alamo Baker Center Cafetorium, 3908 Avenue B, Austin, 78751

Three ways to RSVP:

We look forward to seeing you there!

Contact: Joyce Jackson, Membership Director

Mark Your Calendar!

LWVUS Webinar: 2024 Election Outcomes & the 119th Congress

Date: Tuesday, December 12, 2:00 p.m.
Location: Zoom

As the 118th Congress ends, LWVUS will look at the year ahead in terms of the recent election outcomes; reflect on legislative developments this Congress; and deliver updates on legislation that LWVUS has been tracking. 


Community Events

A Preview of the 2025 Legislative Session hosted by the Texas Tribune

Date: Wednesday, December 4, 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Location: In person at UT Austin's Thompson Conference Center, 2405 Robert Dedman Dr, Austin, 78712, or online
The Texas Tribune will host a daylong symposium exploring the top priorities for the upcoming legislative session. Elected officials and Capitol insiders will review what’s ahead for the 2025 session -- and what it will mean for Texans.

Democracy Celebration hosted by Travis County Voter Registration

Date: Tuesday, December 10, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
ACC Highland, 6001 Airport Boulevard, Austin, 78752 (Free parking in South Parking Garage)

Join Travis County Voter Registration at ACC Highland for an evening of awards, treats, and special guests. Help celebrate the extra efforts you made to reach voters this election! The night will conclude with a reception donated by Joe's Bakery and Amy's Ice Creams, and farewell remarks from Bruce Elfant. Seating is limited. Please RSVP using the link above.

Dinner & Learn : Parental Rights Panel hosted by the Austin Area Urban League

Date: Friday, December 13, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Location: Austin Area Urban League; 8011 Cameron Road building A-101, Austin, 78754

The evening will feature a panel discussion on parental rights, addressing key issues and providing resources for parents. Enjoy a complimentary dinner and connect with other parents and community advocates.

$3 Shows Benefiting LoveHub ATX

Date: Saturday, December 14, 3:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.
Location: dadaLab, 2008 Alexander Avenue, Austin, 78722

Family-friendly, all-ages event benefiting LoveHub ATX at Mendez Middle School in Dove Springs. Art, music, food, special guest speakers and performances. Interactive community booths plus a raffle. LWVAA volunteers will be on hand registering voters.

Membership News

New Membership System Coming in 2025

In February 2025, the League of Women Voters will launch a new, centralized membership platform with goals of:

  • Expanding and diversifying membership by eliminating financial barriers to League participation
  • Adjusting the division of dues among national, state, and local chapters to increase funding of state Leagues, where most voting rights advocacy takes place
  • Simplifying the process of joining the League and renewing your membership
  • Streamlining administrative efforts at all levels

You do not have to take any action right now. For now, members will join and renew in the usual way through the LWVAA website. When the new system launches, you’ll receive an email to log in to the portal, but you will not be asked to renew again until a year after your most recent renewal. LWVAA will also have a link to the new platform on our website.

What does this change mean for LWVAA members?
  • Currently, dues for an Individual membership in LWVAA are fixed at $60. In 2025, all Leagues will adopt a "pay what you can" dues model with an LWVUS recommended rate of $75. You can pay less than this, including the rate that you currently pay, down to a minimum of $20. You can also choose to pay more than the recommended dues.
  • Household memberships will no longer be offered. However, the new membership platform will allow you to sign up or renew for a second person at the same time that you join or renew your own membership.
  • You will be able to opt for auto-renewal of your membership.
  • You will still be able to donate directly to LWVAA when you join or renew. We encourage you to take advantage of this if you want your donations to be put to use locally. 

Be on the lookout for more details about the new system as the launch date approaches.

Contact: Joyce Jackson, Membership Director


Give a Gift of the League This Year!
Looking for a gift idea this holiday season -- or anytime? A gift membership to LWVAA is always in season! League membership is open to anyone 16 or older. Three gift amounts are available:
  • $60 will cover an Individual Membership
  • $90 will cover a Household Membership (2 members in the same household)
  • $5 will cover a Student Membership
LWVAA will send your gift recipient an email on the day of your choice, along with redemption instructions. The gift amount can be applied toward a new membership or membership renewal at any membership level.
Contact: Joyce Jackson, Membership Director

Visit the LWVAA Shop for the Holidays!
Who wouldn't love a League t-shirt, mug, or tote bag? League stickers and note cards make great stocking stuffers or additions to a gift bag! All these things and more are available from the LWVAA store on Threadless.


Read LWVUS Statements

Urgent Action Needed!

Urge President Biden to instruct the US Archivist to certify and publish the ERA in the Constitution! Equality cannot wait. Urge Congress to ensure that the ERA is published.

Keep up with LWV work through the LWVUS Newsroom.

LWVUS Blogs and press releases offer insight on League work and news.  


Welcome to Our Newest Members!

Dorothy Barnett*
Erin Cornett
Ellen Cox
Grace Eads*
Bill Fagelson
Sarah Ivory*
Hannah Linroth

Paige McClendon
Ginger McGilvray
Elizabeth Newell*
Nick Salome*
Wendy Salome*
Susan Summers
Gloria Sutton

Rebecca Thorburn*
Julia Tisch*
Celeste Treadway*
Jill Urban
Rebekah Urban
Ava Volpe
Carolyn Waldrep*

* Indicates a Sustaining Member

Thank You to Our Sustaining and Renewing Members!

When you join LWV Austin Area, you automatically become a member of the National and Texas Leagues.

Give to Support the League of Women Voters Austin Area!

The League shall not support or oppose any political party or candidates. It may take action on governmental measures and policies in the public interest after significant study and consensus is reached.

The League of Women Voters Austin Area is a 501(c)3 nonprofit and tax exempt organization.
Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowable under the law. Tax identification number: