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Phone 512-451-6710
LWV Austin Area
3908 Avenue B,
Austin, TX 78751

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Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.
Date: 10/2/2023
Subject: LWV Austin Area, The VOTER Newsletter: October 2023
From: LWVAustinArea

October 2023 

Autumn's here -- time to fall in step with LWVAA! Look in this update for:
Read on to learn more!

2023 Constitutional Amendment Election!

We need your help to get the the word out about the Nov. 7th Constitutional Amendment Election!

Hello everyone,

The election is fast approaching! We need your help to get the word out!

From the President

One request we have heard from members - you wanted to see more in-person events! I’m happy to report that the board has worked hard to make this happen. We are glad to have opportunities to meet with you all around Austin.

On September 23rd, we held the Fall Kickoff - The Fight for Local Control. We heard from Ryan Kellus Turner, an executive director at the Texas Municipal Courts Education Center. Watch the YouTube Video and check out the Fall Kickoff 2023 Photo Album. See below for more upcoming events.

One thing to let you know - I will be taking a leave of absence until early November for maternity leave. But don’t worry, you are in good hands with the LWVAA board until then!

I look forward to seeing you all again in November.

Jessica Foreman, LWVAA President

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Join Us at These Upcoming Events!

Taxes & the Texas Constitution - Sunday, October 15, 1:30 - 3:00 p.m.

A moderated panel discussion on proposed Texas constitutional amendments 2, 3, and 4. This event is Hosted by LWVAA and Braver Angels Central Texas. 


  • Michael Granof, Professor Emeritus, UT Austin McCombs School of Business
  • Vikki Goodwin, Texas House District 47
  • Dorothy Marchand, VP Voter Education LWVTX
  • David Thomason, Director, The Civics Lab at St. Edward’s University
  • Moderated by Lynn Reynolds of Braver Angels Central Texas

Where: 3908 Avenue B, Austin, TX 78751
Contact: VP Community & Policy Joanne Richards

"Boot Vouchers" Rally at the Texas Capitol - Saturday, October 7, 12:00 - 2:00 p.m.

LWVTX opposes vouchers and any effort to spend our tax dollars on private school tuition. The governor called a special session of the Texas legislature dedicated to vouchers. LWVTX is calling on members and supporters to rally on the South steps of the Capitol in support of fully funded public schools in Texas, with no vouchers! 

Learn more: Texans for Public Education

New & Prospective Member Orientation - Saturday, October 21, 2:00 - 3:30 p.m.

LWVAA holds quarterly meetings to help new and prospective members learn more about us and discover how they would like to participate in the League. This is an opportunity to ask questions and engage in open discussion with board members and other new and prospective members. Please join us – and bring a friend!

Where: League office in the Alamo Baker Center at 3908 Avenue B.
Contact: Membership Director Joyce Jackson 

Save the Date!

Extreme Weather Events: Is Austin Prepared? - Tuesday, November 14, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.

Come hear from: Fire Department about Wildfire prevention, Emergency Medical Services Association, Austin Energy, Homeland Security and Emergency Services, and others,

Where: Menchaca Branch Austin Public Library
Contact: VP Community & Policy Joanne Richards

Holiday Brunch Honoring New Members - Saturday, December 16, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Meet our newest members and catch up with old friends while enjoying a delicious light brunch - more information and registration available soon!

Volunteers for First Vote

First Vote!  

It takes a team of dedicated VDRs and volunteers to provide First Vote to students in Central Texas. Congratulations to League volunteers who presented First Vote entirely in Spanish for the very first time! Give a big shout out to all those who volunteered and to those students who are now registered to vote! We have more students to register before the October 10 voter registration deadline! We need volunteers!

ISDs Served - Austin ISD, Pflugerville ISD, Manor ISD, Lake Travis ISD

Contact: First Vote! Chair Susana Carranza 

Advocate For Change - All of Us! 

As LWVs...

An important aspect of the LWV is that we speak with one voice. That means only the president or someone designated by him or her speaks FOR the LWV. We only speak on issues on which we have positions, reached after study and agreement. An individual League may remain silent on an issue, but can never speak against a LWV position.

As Individuals…

The LWV encourages members to speak out as individuals. Individuals express their own opinions and do not identify themselves as LWV members because we may not have a position on an issue you want to talk about. Contacting officials is an important way we all make democracy work.

As Individuals on Behalf of the LWV…

When there is an action alert from the local, state, or national LWV, usually emailed to you, individuals are encouraged to contact the named official(s), identify yourself as an LWV member, and use the letter provided. You may use the letter, as is, or edit it with the talking points that most resonate with you. Those talking points can also be the basis for conversation if you choose to call your official(s).

Whether the local, state, or national LWV speaks, or LWV members speak as members responding to action alerts, or members speak as individuals representing themselves, speaking out and letting our voices be heard is important to a functioning democracy.  Advocacy is a basic tenet of the League of Women Voters.

How You Can Be a Part of Advocacy!

At the membership meeting in September, some suggested topics to which LWVAA should particularly pay attention. Note that we may or may not have positions in these areas. If we do have positions, they may or may not address the specific areas that people have in mind.  We don’t take the lead in statewide legislation. We can pay attention and see if there is an opportunity to advocate on any of these positions by speaking to elected officials, writing letters to the editor, or otherwise having our voice heard. More education can also serve a purpose.

  • Recycling: Where does trash really go? Are recyclables really being recycled?
  • Education: Vouchers, charter schools
  • Trash: Roads, vacant lots, cleanup
  • Homeless plan
  • Local Control, specifically HB 2127
  • Austin Police Association
  • Hiring & retention, specifically city manager & city & county attorneys
  • Zoning
  • Transportation
Take Action Now: Take Austin Energy's Solar Energy Survey
The survey is for a new solar program that Austin Energy agreed to launch as part of its rate case. There are a number of details to work out and that’s where the survey comes in. Since the LWV is supportive of renewables, we are sharing this link for you to respond as an individual.

More Volunteers Needed!

Several people have stepped forward to pay particular attention to issues and our elected officials. Julie Kyle will follow education for us.  We badly need someone for the environment. We currently are part of a group involved with energy and renewables, and we need a liaison for that group.

Our Observer Corps is gaining momentum. Karsen Crow and Elizabet Morris are observing City Council, Levente McCrary is observing AISD, and Fannie Akingbala is observing the County Commissioners. It would be ideal to have two people observe each group because the groups can meet often and meet for a long time. Karsen reports the first meeting she observed was a marathon! 

Read reports on meetings of the Travis County Commissioner’s CourtAustin City Council, and the AISD Board


Volunteer Opportunities

VDRs to Register Voters

We have lots of volunteer opportunities for VDRs. Help local democracy! Sign up to register voters before the October 10th deadline! 

Contact: Directory of Voter Registration and Turnout Claudia Torres-Yanez
Contact: Director of First Vote Susana Carranza

Advocacy Volunteers

Join the Observer Corps to help League advocacy! Attend local government meetings, in person or online, and take notes on important actions taken and issues discussed at the meeting. 

Subject Matter Experts: Help us advocate on the local level on many Austin area issues.

Communications Volunteer

Do you love creating social media? Are you interested in making videos to reach more voters through TikTok, Instagram, or YouTube? We’d love to have you on the communications team! 

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Grace Chimene (orange) with ACLU Lawyers


LWVAA member and former LWVTX President Grace Chimene provided testimony at the Federal Court in San Antonio. LWVTX was represented by ACLU Texas lawyers (see photo above). Learn more about our fight for voting rights: Federal Trial Against Texas’ Anti-Voter Law SB 1 Begins

Welcome to Our Newest Members!

Gabriela Avalos
Joan Barasch
Colleen Beery*
Leonor Delgado
Caro Dubois

Julissa Kyle
Amy Litzinger
Linda Litzinger
Dana Azurin
Amanda Martindale*

Levente McCrary
Vicki McDonald*
Anna Pittala
Kay Trent
Luke West

* Indicates a Sustaining Member

Thank You to Our Sustaining and Renewing Members!

 As a member of the Austin Area League, you are also a member of the National and Texas Leagues. 


Make a Gift to Support the League of Women Voters Austin Area!

The League shall not support or oppose any political party or candidates. It may take action on governmental measures and policies in the public interest after significant study and consensus is reached.

The League of Women Voters Austin Area is a 501(c)3 nonprofit and tax exempt organization.
Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowable under the law. Tax identification number: